Today, we honor the celebration of the birth of Martin Luther King by respecting his legacy and understanding his position on the importance of Black economics.  Martin Luther King knew social justice and poverty alleviation and economic empowerment are dependent on each other. They represent the three legs of the proverbial,  “Poverty Alleviation Stool.” If one … Read more“TODAY’$ MONEY $OLUTION$”

“Financially $peaking” by Today’$ Money Man

#1. BE DEBT FREE’! financially speaking, what does that mean and why? “DEBT- FREE” What am I talking about? Free from financial obligations with financial and lending institutions, both public and private, banks, mortgage, credit card companies, pay-day loans, auto loans, department stores, and your of course, your brother and sister. Why is it vital … Read more“Financially $peaking” by Today’$ Money Man